The Officials of the Flag Football U15 EC Revealed


IFAF Europe Officiating Committee has appointed 10 officials who will have responsibility in enforcing the rules and maintaining the order of the games in the forthcoming Flag Football U15 European Championship in Belgrade.

Five officials from Serbia and another five from Italy, Austria and Hungary will operate on the fields during matches. They are:

  • Siniša Ljubišić, supervisor (Serbia)
  • Aleksandar Čolić (Serbia)
  • Ivana Lazić (Serbia)
  • Željko Mančić (Serbia)
  • Vladimir Popović (Serbia)
  • Laura Villa (Italy)
  • Roberto Palladino (Italy)
  • Walter Windsteig (Austria)
  • Alexander Zimmermann (Austria)
  • Ragályi Balázs (Hungary)

Flag Football U15 European Championship 2016 will be held in Belgrade, from 5th untill 7th August. Seven national selections will compete in the tournament: Serbia, Czech Republic, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovenia and Spain.

All matches will be played on two courts of Stadium FC BASK in Belgrade and thanks to internet portal with support of Serbian Association of American Football, all games, both on Saturday and Sunday, will be aired live on the Internet on the following links:

All teams are going to play against each other. Before the semi-finals (play off), each team will play six games. The best four teams will advance to the play off. The final match is set on Sunday, 7th Augsut at 6.30 p.m.